Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation

Is your child struggling at home and in school, but you aren’t sure what is going on? Do you feel lost and want answers? Are you worried they may have a learning difference or be neurodiverse? Do you feel they may be depressed or anxious? Are you looking for a comprehensive overview of how they see the world and their unique personal strengths and areas they need support? Then this is the best place for you.

What is a comprehensive psychological evaluation?

In many ways, psychological testing and assessment are like having a medical test that aids in ruling in or out a diagnosis. A psychological evaluation is a set of tests that help determine how your child’s brain functions and engages with the world. For instance, it will aid in understanding their cognitive functioning, memory, executive functioning, emotional functioning, how they learn, how they take in sensory information, if they are neurodiverse, etc. The results of the tests will then help inform the development of a treatment plan and recommendations to support your child.

If you resonate with any of this then a comprehensive psychological evaluation is right for you:

You feel your child is struggling with social emotional functioning and communication. Often playing alone or getting into fights with others.

You are worried about them having Learning difficulties – struggling to understand and follow instructions, difficulties with spelling, reading or math.

You notice your child struggling to concentrate, lost in space or you feel they are always bouncing off the walls. They may be easily distracted have difficulties properly planning, prioritizing, and focusing on a task.

· You child struggles with Impulse control and is often struggling with emotional outbursts.

Your child is over or under reactive to sensory stimuli.

Your child is less interested in doing the things they used to love, is irritable, or worried much more than other children.

Psychological Evaluation Pricing

Psychological Evaluation

Hours are approximate and subject to change throughout the evaluation based on client’s ability levels and presenting problem. This is an example of a comprehensive price list.



Unit Price

1HR Intake/Clinical Interview £200


2HR Cognitive £400
2HR Achievement £400
1.5HR Emotional/Behavioral £300
.5HR Memory £100
1HR Executive functioning £200
.5HR Adaptive £100
.5HR Personality £100
3HR Scoring £600
1HR Collaboration/Records Review £200
5HR Write Up £1000
1HR Feedback Session £200